By capitalizing on key moments of public interest or outrage, the NAACP has tripled the size of its email list to well over a million subscribers. With an energized base of supporters, improved fundraising, and the ability to respond swiftly and powerfully, the organization is poised to take action whenever civil rights are threatened.
Mobilizing millions — in minutes
The Challenge
Drive and implement a digital strategy to help the NAACP respond to injustice more quickly and powerfully.
The Insight
Every moment counts when civil rights are threatened.
The Solution
Our work with the NAACP has helped transform one of the oldest and boldest civil rights organizations offline into one of the largest and most influential online.
Blue State helped the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) develop a nimble strategy and assemble a fast-moving communications team to mobilize supporters around key moments in the fight for civil rights.
Rallying to stay an execution

In the weeks leading up to the execution of Troy Davis, a man wrongfully convicted of murder in Georgia, the NAACP launched a cross-channel campaign petitioning the Georgia Board of Pardons and the Chatham County district attorney to halt the execution. Hundreds of thousands signed. On the day before Troy Davis’ execution, supporters took Twitter by storm, spreading the message of #TooMuchDoubt to millions online.
Demanding justice for Trayvon

As the trial of George Zimmerman—who shot and killed the unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin—came to a close, the NAACP needed to prepare for any possible verdict and respond quickly. Within 30 minutes of Zimmerman’s acquittal, the NAACP was able to send a petition demanding that the Department of Justice reopen its civil rights investigation. More than 1.5 million people signed, and two days later, Attorney General Eric Holder announced his intent to revisit the case.