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Partners In Health

Building better health systems

The Challenge

How do you turn a rapid-response fundraising moment into sustainable growth and change?

The Insight

A smart stewardship strategy proves to donors that your organization puts their values into practice — and solidifies the bonds of loyalty.

The Solution

We helped Partners in Health design a strong digital infrastructure and communications program, galvanizing their community and increasing donation rates by 80 percent.

A transformative digital strategy

The mission of Partners in Health (PIH) is two-fold: to save lives and to spread hope in the poorest places on earth. Since 2009, we’ve partnered with PIH to help achieve these goals by transforming how the organization raises money online. Together we’ve grown a strong and sustainable program, one digital donor at a time.

Responding in real time to disasters

The digital transformation began with putting a strong tech infrastructure in place that helped PIH mobilize quickly in moments of great need, such as devastating earthquakes. Within hours of a disaster, PIH is able to launch a rapid-response campaign that demonstrates to concerned donors everywhere that theirs is a mission worth backing, raising millions toward rebuilding infrastructure and saving lives.

From rapid response to sustainable growth 

Emergencies bring a surge of donations to PIH and interest in its work. We’ve helped develop smart onboarding strategies to keep these donors engaged and remind them of the ongoing needs in the region. This successful approach to donor cultivation also came to life in a PIH site redesign, highlighting stories from PIH’s work in Haiti, and throughout Africa, Mexico, Peru, Russia, and the Navajo Nation.

With mindful and data-driven stewardship, PIH has been able to not only jumpstart a community of new supporters, but keep them engaged and giving for years. Together we’ve generated sustainable growth by constantly analyzing and optimizing our approaches — energizing year-end fundraising efforts year over year and bringing critical help to people in need.


  • 80% increase in donation rate
  • $96M+ raised since partnering with Blue State
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